Der prestigeträchtigste Bierwettbewerb der Welt
Über den World Beer Cup
Die Brewers Association entwickelte 1996 den World Beer Cup Competition, um die Kunst und Wissenschaft des Bierbrauens zu feiern. Der World Beer Cup wird oft als "die Olympiade der Bierwettbewerbe" bezeichnet und ist der renommierteste Bierwettbewerb der Welt.
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Indiana Convention Center
May 1, 2025
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Julia Herz
Colorado, Vereinigte Staaten
Wie sind Sie in die Bierbranche gekommen? Warum ist Bier für Sie wichtig?
When I was little, I had a soap and perfume collection. My dad traveled for work, and he’d bring back soaps, while my mom would bring perfume samples. I would smell them, feel the texture, and consider the shapes, colors, and ingredients. I also paid attention to my dad’s imported beers in the fridge and the food my mom was cooking. Based on aroma, I’d try to guess what was for dinner while I was upstairs in my bedroom. That was all the stage I needed to become a judge.
When I moved to Colorado, I had been homebrewing and started to become interested in what judges were doing. The bottom line is that I followed my interests and worked to learn sensory techniques about hedonics and beer styles. To me, beer is the most incredible beverage to judge because it is limitless in ingredient possibilities. Judges are instruments for what we perceive, and our job is to tap into what we sense, relay that back to the entrant, and share where it meets or misses the style guidelines—kind of like a lawyer interpreting the law. 😊
Warum richten Sie beim World Beer Cup? Was bedeutet das Richten beim World Beer Cup für Sie?
Working to the level of being accepted and invited back to judge the World Beer Cup is a career highlight. Every time I judge, I learn and grow, and the WBC is unique because it has the most robust collection of international beer judges of any competition I can point to. Judging with peers from the same country is different from judging with judges from around the world. We help each other shed more “style bias” when judging from different cultural lenses. Hands down, the WBC is *the* judge invitation to snag. I like to tell new judges the only way to get invited is to put in the work, study, taste, brew, and apply.
Phil Joyce
Colorado, Vereinigte Staaten
Wie sind Sie in die Bierbranche gekommen? Warum ist Bier für Sie wichtig?
Zum Bier kam ich als Heimbrauer und Gründungsmitglied der "Homebrewers and Bottle Collectors Support Group" der Avery Brewing Company sowie des Heimbrauclubs Hop Barley and the Alers in Boulder, Colorado. Nachdem ich einige Jahre lang selbst gebraut hatte, gründete ich das Unternehmen Powder Keg, das mir zum ersten Mal die Möglichkeit bot, das Brauen zu meinem Beruf zu machen.
Bier ist für mich wichtig, weil es eine Gemeinschaft von Menschen zusammenbringt. Ich habe immer eine Gruppe von Menschen gefunden, die mich unterstützt haben und mir die Möglichkeit gegeben haben, mich technisch und künstlerisch auszudrücken. Die Bierbranche hat mir lebenslange Freunde beschert und mir die Möglichkeit gegeben, von einer Vielzahl von Menschen zu lernen.
Warum richten Sie beim World Beer Cup? Was bedeutet das Richten beim World Beer Cup für Sie?
Ich bewerte, weil ich ständig lernen und meinen Gaumen erweitern möchte und der Gemeinschaft, die mir so viel gegeben hat, etwas zurückgeben will. Es ist wunderbar, Netzwerke zu knüpfen, andere Bierprofis zu treffen und die Brewers Association jedes Jahr durch das Jurieren zu unterstützen. Im vergangenen Jahr hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mit einer Reihe von internationalen Juroren zu bewerten, und ihre gemeinsamen Einsichten boten eine unglaubliche Weiterbildung über die Stilrichtlinien hinaus und verliehen dem Wettbewerb eine unübertroffene Aussagekraft, die ich anderswo nicht erlebt habe.
Walter König
Bayern, Deutschland
Wie sind Sie in die Bierbranche gekommen? Warum ist Bier für Sie wichtig?
I’ve never done anything other than beer and music! I grew up on a farm in a small village in Bavaria. There was a princely brewery in this village that was founded in 1598. Our neighbor was a brewer in this brewery and I often visited him in the brewhouse. I was fascinated by this craft and quickly became enthusiastic about the profession. At the age of 15, I began training as a brewer and maltster in this brewery. After several years of practical experience as a brewer, my career path took me to the Technical University of Munich, where I graduated as an engineer in brewing and beverage technology.
In Bavaria in particular, beer is closely associated with traditions, festivals, rituals and everyday life. There are many different beer styles for every occasion and every season. Due to my background in agriculture, I am primarily fascinated by the beer raw materials malting barley, wheat and of course hops and the conviction that a good beer needs nothing more than three ingredients, nature and the skill of the brewer.
Warum richten Sie beim World Beer Cup? Was bedeutet das Richten beim World Beer Cup für Sie?
I would like the German beer styles to be interpreted and judged at the jury tables in the way they have evolved from their tradition. I also enjoy exchanging ideas with judges from other countries and beer histories and discussing other beer styles and trends in the brewing industry.
Every brewer who submits a beer to the competition is entitled to transparent and honest feedback on their beer. It is therefore important to me that well-trained and focused judges give each beer the necessary attention. The World Beer Cup offers optimal conditions for this thanks to its organization and the online-based evaluation system. And despite the concentrated work, there is still enough freedom and many opportunities to get to know each other and have fun.
Silvia De Tomas Ayllon
Lima, Peru
Wie sind Sie in die Bierbranche gekommen? Warum ist Bier für Sie wichtig?
I am part of the second generation of a brewing family in Peru that started in 2003. My parents taught me the art of making beer when I was 9 years old, studying and learning from it. This is how I fell in love with that passion, with its community, and everything that revolves around it. Over the years I have founded projects such as the Latin American Craft Beer Cup, Peruvian Beer Cup, Brewmart school, Brewpub Cebichela and my Two Broders Brewery. I also became a beer judge in 2014, participating in multiple competitions in Latin America. Beer matters to me, because it is part of the story of my family, of my life and it has taught me a lot over the years. I feel respect, admiration and I work hard to share with others how important it is, that they learn to value it, but above all to understand it.
Warum richten Sie beim World Beer Cup? Was bedeutet das Richten beim World Beer Cup für Sie?
I always dreamed of being part of the World Beer Cup, ever since I was young I always admired everyone who was part of it, and the experience one must have to be chosen for this great competition. I always followed in detail each event organized by the Brewers Association, learning from it and using it as a reference for the Peruvian market.
I judge beers in this competition, because it brings together the best beers and breweries in the world into one place. The level of analysis and professionalism that exists in each tasting session is incredible. Since beers are of a high level, it allows you to have different points of view and understanding about the every beer. You get to meet judges from all over the world! This is a very reason important reason for me to be part of it, get to know different cultures, exchange ideas, they make me personally a better person every day.
I am very happy to be part of this great competition that marks important milestones in the history of beer worldwide.
Wettbewerb News
2025 Brewery Registration: Nov. 12 – Dec. 13, 2024
Registration for the World Beer Cup, the world’s premier beer competition, is open from November 12 to December 13, 2024.
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