Chris Flaskamp

Chris Flaskamp

Santiago, Chile

Wie sind Sie in die Bierbranche gekommen? Warum ist Bier für Sie wichtig?

I started homebrewing in Chile in 2000 and launched my own craft brewery in Santiago, Tübinger, in 2007. I’ve been a certified BJCP beer judge since 2014 and have judged at the world’s most important beer competitions, such as the World Beer Cup, Great American Beer Festival, European Beer Star in Germany, Brussels Beer Challenge in Belgium, World Beer Awards in the U.K., Blumenau Beer Cup in Brazil, and others. I’m a co-founder and the current executive director of Chile’s Independent Craft Brewers Association, ACI Chile, since 2019, which has over 150 members from all over Chile. We’ve been organizing the yearly Great Chile Beer Festival and its beer competition, Copa ACI. During the dark years of COVID-19, I made the most of the downtime to write a book about beer history, beer culture, and beer styles. I’m proud to say that it has been quite successful, with two sold-out editions since 2021. Beer has been part of my life since my student days in Germany, and I feel that I learn more every year about this beautiful beverage. I love opening people’s minds to the wide variety of beers, and there is still much to be done in that regard in Latin America.

Warum richten Sie beim World Beer Cup? Was bedeutet das Richten beim World Beer Cup für Sie?

Judging at the World Beer Cup is like being at the global center of beer experts, and it is always a pleasure and a great honor to share time, stories, and pints with the most accomplished brewers and beer judges in the world. This experience enables me to continue learning and improving my knowledge of beer tasting, new trends, and beer style appreciation. It is also important for me to represent our relatively small country and emerging craft beer market at a global event and to spread the word about the increasingly vibrant Chilean beer market.