Evangelos Gletsos

Evangelos Gletsos

New Mexico, United States

Wie sind Sie in die Bierbranche gekommen? Warum ist Bier für Sie wichtig?

While sunbathing in Boulder, Colorado, in 1994, I’d heard an ad for the GABF and thought, "Man, I’d love to go to that!" Within four months I’d taken up homebrewing. With my degree in chemical engineering, I’d turned homebrewing into a profession (working for the Rock Bottom), and won a GABF medal in 2007. My next step was to become a BJCP certified beer judge. Within a few years, I was accepted to be a GABF judge, and shortly thereafter, a World Beer Cup judge. For me, brewing beer is a multi-millennia art that transcends boarders, cultures, languages, races, and religions. It is a common bond that can make friends of strangers in moments, and celebrations magical. Sitting down and having a pint with a companion or a group of friends is one of life’s great pleasures and should be practiced often the world round.

Warum richten Sie beim World Beer Cup? Was bedeutet das Richten beim World Beer Cup für Sie?

I judge at the World Beer Cup for many reasons. First and foremost to bring accolades and recognition to the best beers and brewers in the world, period. Furthermore, I like to provide positive feedback to the hardworking brewers out there to make their art the best it can possibly be. My hope is that through their efforts and my feedback, constantly improving quality and flavors are available to more and more beer lovers. I am honored and humbled that I have been given the responsibility to judge the World Beer Cup and take the utmost care to provide the best and most constructive comments back to the brewers. I feel that every medal I’ve ever awarded at the World Beer Cup has been solidly deserved by a brewer that has put a masterpiece on display. Finally, with all honesty and modesty, I REALLY, REALLY LOVE TASTING THE BEST BEERS IN THE WORLD.