Lucy Corne

Lucy Corne

Cape Town, South Africa

¿Cómo entró en la industria cervecera? ¿Por qué le importa la cerveza?

I had been working as a freelance travel writer for several years when I moved to South Africa in 2010. I decided to diversify my writing portfolio, as travel is tricky and expensive in Africa. The craft beer scene was just about to take off, so I started writing a beer blog for a local travel magazine. The blog became a book, and later I was approached by a publisher looking for an editor for South Africa’s first beer magazine—a job I ended up doing for six years. Along the way, I took the BJCP exam (four times), passed the Certified and Advanced Cicerone exams, and spent a lot of time running beer appreciation courses for the industry and the general public. I now run the African Beer Cup, Africa’s biggest beer competition, as well as South African National Beer Day, and am a partner in BeerEx Africa. I went from being a travel writer who occasionally wrote about beer to having beer pretty much take over my life—in the best possible way. It’s a wonderful, welcoming industry that I’m proud to be part of.

¿Por qué participa como juez en la Copa Mundial de la Cerveza? ¿Qué significa para usted ser jurado en la Copa Mundial de la Cerveza?

It is a matter of great prestige to judge in the World Beer Cup, and I’m honored to have been part of the judging team again in 2024—my second time judging in the competition. Judging alongside industry legends and experts is an endless source of knowledge, and it’s also a great networking opportunity.