Tomoko Sonoda

Tomoko Sonoda

Chiba, Japan

¿Cómo entró en la industria cervecera? ¿Por qué le importa la cerveza?

One of the plans for new business development was a brewpub, and I thought it would be fun to brew beer, so I applied for the position and was hired in 1996. The brewery opened in 2000, and I have been working as the brewmaster ever since. I believe that both drinking and brewing beer are magical experiences that enrich my life.

¿Por qué participa como juez en la Copa Mundial de la Cerveza? ¿Qué significa para usted ser jurado en la Copa Mundial de la Cerveza?

One goal is to deepen my knowledge of beer. By judging alongside people involved in the beer industry from around the world, I can learn to perceive things I might not otherwise notice, discover global trends, and, most importantly, train my sensitivity by putting myself in challenging situations. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this world-class judging competition, where accuracy in sensory evaluation and a serious sense of responsibility and judgment are required.