Fernanda Meybom
Comment êtes-vous entré dans l'industrie de la bière ? Pourquoi la bière est-elle importante pour vous ?
I have always liked beer and my grandmother was a homebrewer.As a chemical engineer,I became more familiar with the fermentation process and the beer industry. After my graduation and a sommelier course, I decided to learn more about sensory analysis. I got involved with beer competitions and local homebrewers associations, including organizing competitions and conferences.I’m a master's candidate in food engineering and beer science. I recently co-authored a chapter about pairing beer and food in Guia da Sommelieira de Cervejas (Beer Sommelier Guide), and co-authored a chapter about probiotic beer in Protocols in Technology of Probiotic Foods and Beverages for Springer Protocols. I’m also the technical advisor at the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Santa Catarina in Brazil. I am an active BJCP Certified judge and for the last 10 years I have judged in international beer competitions in Chile, Spain, Mexico, South Africa, Belgium, Argentina, and Uruguay. I’m the co-founder of Passaporte Cervejeiro, a company that organizes beer travel groups to Belgium. I have taught several courses in Brazil. Writing and cooking are my passions, and after five years as a columnist for Revista da Cerveja (Magazine of Beer), I now share recipes at my own website.
Pourquoi jugez-vous à la World Beer Cup ? Que signifie pour vous le fait d'être juge à la Coupe du monde de la bière ?
The World Beer Cup is one of the largest and most prestigious competitions in the world, and winning a medal there is celebrated as a significant competitive achievement. Being selected for the judging team is therefore a great honor and an achievement for beer professionals, as well as a great responsibility to select the worthiest beers from among the entries. Being part of the World Beer Cup is a great validation of my hard work, study, and preparation in the beer industry, and a wonderful way to use my beer evaluation skills.