Juan Camilo Riveros
Comment êtes-vous entré dans l'industrie de la bière ? Pourquoi la bière est-elle importante pour vous ?
Got a revelation on my first pint of Guinness and being from a country with only industrial lager for beer decided to start brewing my own. I studied culinary arts in Argentina and there also learned the basics of brew ing. After that the books of Palmer, Papazian, Talley, Daniels, Hieronymus, Bouckaert and Cantwell, and Michael Jackson were my sources. A lot of homebrewing came after that. Humanity and beer have a very close relationship most of the different cultures in the planet have beer whenever they are celebrating or mourning. It is comfort for a friend or just joy of being somewhere or with someone. Good beer brings us together and gladness our spirits.
Pourquoi jugez-vous à la World Beer Cup ? Que signifie pour vous le fait d'être juge à la Coupe du monde de la bière ?
Judging at WBC means a lot of different things for me. In a way is a validation of all my reading, tasting, and hard work in general. It is also an important way of learning from people more knowledgeable than me or from beer cultures that I am not so familiar with. In a more personal level there is a moment that comes from time to time when a table of judges just sync perfectly and complement each other, where knowledge is shared and we are able to do a great job. That moment is very satisfying. Last but not least, when I am judging beer I feel that each beer tells me a different story and sometimes you find exceptional ones that innovate and change the way that you look at beer as a whole.