Marco Malaga
Les juges

Marco Malaga


Comment êtes-vous entré dans l'industrie de la bière ? Pourquoi la bière est-elle importante pour vous ?

I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. At 15 years of age, a teacher at my high school asked all students what profession they wanted to pursue as grown ups. My answer was "I would like to brew beer." My teacher replied in disbelief: "And what do you have to study to become a brewer?" My answer was, "I am not sure but I will find out and do it." My main inspiration was realizing how beer and brewing was an inherent part of society since ancient times. I was later gripped by the science, engineering, and artistic sides of brewing. I started brewing at age 19, graduated as a food engineer at age 23 and have been brewing continuously for 32 years. Beer has allowed me to make a living, travel all over the world, and be part of the amazing world beer community.

Pourquoi jugez-vous à la World Beer Cup ? Que signifie pour vous le fait d'être juge à la Coupe du monde de la bière ?

Judging at the World Beer Cup is the utmost honor for a beer professional. Being able to taste the best beers in the world, side by side, and discuss them with some of the most knowledgeable beer professionals in the industry, is an absolute experience. Beer is continuously evolving and the WBC is certainly a place where you see that evolution. As a brewer it helps me understand where the industry is heading and how the boundaries of quality keep getting raised.