Tetsuya Kojima
Les juges

Tetsuya Kojima

Tokyo, Japon

Comment êtes-vous entré dans l'industrie de la bière ? Pourquoi la bière est-elle importante pour vous ?

Beer has completely changed my life. About 25 years ago, I was just a craft beer fan. One day, I attended a beer festival in Tokyo sponsored by the Craft Beer Association and saw a flyer for a Beer Judge Seminar. I became interested in the beer judge qualification program in Japan, and a few years later, I took the seminar and got certified as a beer judge. About 10 years ago, I received a phone call from Ryouji Oda, former president of the Craft Beer Association, asking me to serve as a lecturer at the beer tasting program and beer judge qualification program sponsored by the association. Now, I’m a lecturer for the association, teaching beer tasting and judging methods at seminars. I’m also a competition director at Japanese beer competitions, such as the International Beer Cup and the Japan Great Beer Awards. In fact, I don’t work in the beer industry. My actual job is as a computer science professor at a college in Tokyo. However, beer occupies a significant part of my life. I am, and always will be, very happy to spend my life in the world of craft beer.

Pourquoi jugez-vous à la World Beer Cup ? Que signifie pour vous le fait d'être juge à la Coupe du monde de la bière ?

My first judging experience at the World Beer Cup was in Nashville in 2018. As a certified beer judge, I wanted to contribute to events like this to help raise the quality of craft beer. This was the primary reason I joined the World Beer Cup. Another reason was my desire to stay updated on global trends in craft beer, which remains a crucial part of my experience at the WBC. I hope to judge new beer styles at every World Beer Cup. It’s an excellent learning opportunity for me, and I can share my experiences from the competition with my students and fellow beer judges in Japan.