World Class Judges
World Beer Cup judges possess the best palates and style expertise on the planet.
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Judges from 26 Countries
Meet Our World Class Judges
Meet a small sample of our incredible past beer judges.

Kathia Zanatta
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
After finishing my food engineering degree in Brazil, I followed my love for beer. I landed an internship at Paulaner Brewery in Germany in 2005, where I delved into the world of brewing and embraced the country’s diverse beer culture. Upon my return, I transitioned into a role at a brewery in Brazil, where I honed my skills over a five-year period in areas such as quality control, research and development, and laboratory analysis. In 2008, I embarked on a journey to Germany for the Beer Sommelier course, marking my entry into Brazil’s burgeoning craft beer scene.
Equipped with this expertise, I began organizing beer events. By 2010, I co-founded Instituto da Cerveja, an educational institution dedicated to the art of beer, and since then I have been fully committed to studying (including a brewmaster course in 2011), impactful teaching, hosting beer and food events, and consulting.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
I have been participating as a judge in beer competitions since 2009, consistently enjoying the opportunity to expand my knowledge of beer, sensory analysis, and the market. It’s not only a chance to connect with new colleagues, but also an opportunity to support breweries by engaging in discussions about their beers and providing valuable feedback.

Diego Setti
Florida, United States
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
I started homebrwing in 2010 in Buenos Aires, and became a Beer Judge Certification Program judge in 2012. Between 2012 and 2017, I gave many talks and trainings for the Asociación Civil Somos Cerveceros, which is the Argentine equivalent of the American Homebrewers Association.
In 2016, after a 6 months stay in Germany, I started doing some beer styles consultancies. In 2017, I quit my IT job to focus 100% on beer. I started a beer education institute called Zeta Atelier de Cervezas, offering a wide range of trainings and courses for beer enthusiasts and professionals. During that time I also became a Certified Cicerone and a Doemens Academie Biersommelier.
All that called the attention of many investors and entrepreneurs, so I accepted an offer to join the team of Prison Pals Brewing Company at the end of 2019 and I moved to Florida in 2020 to start that project, where I designed the layout and all the technical specs of the brewery. Now I’m working as brewmaster.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
The World Beer Cup is one of the most prestigious beer competitions around the world and for sure is the biggest of all of them. It takes a lot of effort to become a part of the tasting panel: I applied for the first time in 2017 for the 2018 edition and for different reasons I’ve been able to have the honor of judging here for the first time in 2023. It’s a unique experience, where you taste world-class beers with a top notch tasting panel from every corner of the world.

Ricardo Aftyka
Buenos Aires, Argentina
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
I started my beer career very early, at 19 years old, as a brewer. After more than 15 years in which I participated in the founding of the Argentine Brewers Association, wrote articles, made video tutorials and wrote a book, I decided to found my own brewery, Juguetes Perdidos. I have been an International Judge for more than 15 years and thanks to beer I have traveled all over the world and met wonderful people. Today I am 45 years old and my life is completely filled with beer, so much so that my children learned to say “aftertaste” before “dad.” If I had to define in one word what beer means to me, I would say it is “passion.”
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
I trained for many years to be able to enter the World Beer Cup as a judge. It is the highest level we can aspire to as international judges.
Judging at the World Beer Cup is a unique opportunity to learn from other judges, share time and experiences, represent my country, Argentina, and be part of the most important competition in the world of beer.
What else would you like the world to know?
Juguetes Perdidos, my brewery, was the first one to get a Gold award for Argentina at the World Beer Cup!

Lance Chavez
Idaho, United States
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
I got into the beer industry after I graduated college and decided that instead of pursuing a career with my degree I wanted to find a trade that I enjoyed. I was lucky that my friend Josh King who is the brewmaster at Sockeye Brewing needed some help and the job just fit me.
Beer matters to me because I take pride in my work and enjoy producing beers that can be enjoyed by a wide variety of beer lovers. Just like any craftsman who has high expectations for themselves, I hold my beers to a high standard which I believe ends up in a quality product that I am proud to put in a glass.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
It is a privilege to be invited to participate in the World Beer Cup judging panel. I am both humbled and honored to be able to help seek out the best beers in the competition. It is also a privilege to be able to judge alongside the panel of beer experts that the Brewers Association assembles. My beer knowledge and appreciation for the many unique beer styles we are able to sample always grows after each judging experience.
What else would you like the world to know?
The people behind the scenes of the World Beer Cup deserve a huge amount of respect and credit. There are so many people who volunteer their time to help sort entries, steward tables for the judges, coordinate the competition, feed the crew, and so much more. Most of these people don’t get paid but donate their time all for the love of beer. Cheers to all of those unsung heroes.

Fernanda Meybom
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
I have always liked beer and my grandmother was a homebrewer.As a chemical engineer,I became more familiar with the fermentation process and the beer industry. After my graduation and a sommelier course, I decided to learn more about sensory analysis. I got involved with beer competitions and local homebrewers associations, including organizing competitions and conferences.I’m a master’s candidate in food engineering and beer science. I recently co-authored a chapter about pairing beer and food in Guia da Sommelieira de Cervejas (Beer Sommelier Guide), and co-authored a chapter about probiotic beer in Protocols in Technology of Probiotic Foods and Beverages for Springer Protocols. I’m also the technical advisor at the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Santa Catarina in Brazil. I am an active BJCP Certified judge and for the last 10 years I have judged in international beer competitions in Chile, Spain, Mexico, South Africa, Belgium, Argentina, and Uruguay. I’m the co-founder of Passaporte Cervejeiro, a company that organizes beer travel groups to Belgium. I have taught several courses in Brazil. Writing and cooking are my passions, and after five years as a columnist for Revista da Cerveja (Magazine of Beer), I now share recipes at my own website.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
The World Beer Cup is one of the largest and most prestigious competitions in the world, and winning a medal there is celebrated as a significant competitive achievement. Being selected for the judging team is therefore a great honor and an achievement for beer professionals, as well as a great responsibility to select the worthiest beers from among the entries. Being part of the World Beer Cup is a great validation of my hard work, study, and preparation in the beer industry, and a wonderful way to use my beer evaluation skills.

Nathan Keffer
Quito, Ecuador
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
After helping to open a backpackers hostel and bed-and-breakfast in 2012 in Quito, Ecuador, we quickly saw a demand for craft beer. We had guests from all over the world passing through, and many often asked where they could get a good pint. At that time, the only options available were the typical commercial national lagers that small Latin American countries have. Having just graduated from the University of Oregon, we were very familiar with the amazing options local craft beer had to offer, so we started brewing in Ecuador in hopes of serving great beer to our guests and introducing our local friends to the culture of American craft beer.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
It’s an honor to judge at the World Beer Cup. Judging there is an opportunity to give back to the brewing community I hold so dear, and it allows me to test my skills against other judges with different levels of experience and diverse backgrounds. There’s always something to learn as a judge, and even more so when you are paired with some of the other great people at WBC.

Lotte Peplow
Greater London, United Kingdom
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
I’ve been in the beer industry all my career but initially on the periphery, and I came to it through the PR and marketing route. As the craft beer world grew so did my interest and passion for the subject. I was lucky enough to begin my long relationship with the Brewers Association back in 2006 and I gradually took on more responsibility. My role widened until in 2019 when I was appointed American craft beer ambassador for Europe. It’s an honor and a privilege to work for the Brewers Association and I’m incredibly proud to represent them either when traveling overseas or at home in the UK.
For me, beer is not just a career but a way of life. I love the wide variety of flavors and aromas found in beer. It’s super versatile and makes the perfect food accompaniment. I love the beer community and the people who make this industry special. Everyone is friendly, welcoming, and united in a shared appreciation of this beautiful beverage. It’s a uniquely collaborative space and I count myself very lucky to be associated with some of the most talented brewing minds in the industry.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
Judging in the World Beer Cup is the pinnacle of my beer journey and the gold standard in beer judging. It’s like competing at the Olympics! The quality of the competition is second to none — from the world class quality of the entries to the high standards of the judges and the professional, smooth-running organization behind the scenes. Of all the competitions I’ve judged around the world, the World Beer Cup is the biggest, most prestigious, most international, best-organized and most professional of them all — in my humble opinion, of course!
Being selected as a judge for the World Beer Cup is a huge honor and fills me with pride. I love judging because it focuses my mind on everything I’ve learned about beer and brewing. Much like an Olympic athlete, I have to be at the very top of my game and that’s an exciting and thrilling prospect.
I have only judged one World Beer Cup so far (2023 in Nashville) but was completely blown away by the standard of entries, quality of the judges, and organization of the competition. It was an enormously rich and rewarding personal experience and one I hope to repeat again soon.
What else would you like the world to know?
I play hockey (that’s field hockey to my American friends!) for a Club in southwest London and have done for many years. It’s great fun, a chance to run around and blow away the cobwebs before a beer in the bar afterwards. Last season we were undefeated and won promotion to a higher league. This season may be different! I’m married with three grown up children and one very lively dog.

Geoff Deman
Kansas, United States
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
My interest in brewing began in college when I took a semester off and stayed with friends in the Bay Area, one of whom had taken up homebrewing. I helped him with a few batches and then dove into the deep end when I returned to school at the University of Kansas, where a homebrew supply shop had just opened in Lawrence. Many batches later, with a bachelor’s degree in art history in hand, I moved to Seattle hoping to land a brewing job. That first job paid me $6 an hour. Needless to say, I wasn’t into beer for the money—I was into it for the people, the community, the creativity, and the camaraderie.
I was fortunate to have amazing mentors, peers, and colleagues during my time brewing at Pike Brewing Company in Seattle, and later at Free State Brewing when I returned to Lawrence. Beer matters to me—or I should say, good beer matters to me. To borrow the words of Brother Epp of Capuchin Monastery in Munjor, Kansas, written in 1906 during Prohibition: “Because, without beer, things do not seem to go as well.”
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
Every time I judge the World Beer Cup, I learn something new and gain perspective from a diverse group of judges who may not speak the same language I do on a daily basis, but certainly speak the language of beer. It’s great to judge with German judges in German beer categories or Belgians in Belgian beer categories and get their perspective on the nuances of a classic style originating from their home country. It’s equally interesting to hear the perspective of an Argentinian or Japanese judge on these styles and learn more about the growing beer culture in their countries.
I’ve made new friends that I look forward to visiting in their home countries someday and seeing when they visit us during the World Beer Cup. Good beer brings good people together.

Rene Aduan Junior
São Paulo, Brazil
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
I’ve worked in beer industry since 2004, first as a beer taster (sommelier), then as a brewmaster in biotechnology and science. For 15 years I’ve been teaching the new guys “how to taste beer” in a sommelier course in ESCM and at Doemens achademy in Brasil. Beer is my priority and unconditional love.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
The World Beer Cup is the most refined world competition, with the best selection of judges. It is a pleasure to be part of this event, sharing knowledge to the market. The exchange of experiences between everyone who participates is the solid basis that motivates me to participate since 2014. This competition is the best way to celebrate all the values that beer represents in our society!

Masafumi Morita
Nagano, Japan
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
It was 20 years ago when I had my first taste of English Pale Ale and was shocked. It was the moment I discovered the diversity and richness of flavors in beer. From there I went on to drink all kinds of Japanese craft beers and eventually had the opportunity to work for the brands I loved the most.
I think beer is a very important beverage because it is one tool for living a relaxed life, and it promotes community and connection.
Craft beer is also a great new form of industry. The spirit of working together to create a market, rather than each brewery competing for it, is the most important aspect of craft beer. It feels like it represents an improvement over capitalistic economic activity. That’s why I love working in this industry.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
I love the craft beer industry and want to contribute my bit to it. The judging sessions give me tips on how to improve my brewing, and I get to have a great time with my judge friends from around the world — it’s an irreplaceable opportunity for me.
The World Beer Cup is attended by some of the best brewers, journalists, and consultants, and getting to know them and sharing new ideas and information is also a great experience. I feel very fortunate to have been a part of this effort for over 10 years. Without this experience, our beers would be of a lesser caliber today.
What else would you like the world to know?
Beer is just a beverage and has no power to heal injuries or illnesses. But we are born in really difficult times, with a lot of stress, and drinking a good craft beer is one oasis. I also feel that the craft beer industry is taking a more democratic, artistic, and organic approach to things. I am hopeful that it will gradually make the world a better place. I encourage you to seek out craft brewers in your area who have a great spirit. And if you can relate to them, please support them.

Luc De Raedemaeker
Brussels, Belgium
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
‘Beer and life: If you have to eat and drink anyway, you might as well enjoy it.’ This is an important rule of life that I learned growing up in Brussels, where I developed an appreciation for the offerings from the Zenne valley, particularly the Geuze and Lambiek. I acquired my taste for beer as a student bartender and my expertise grew as I trained in Belgium and around the world. I am now a lecturer in zythology and chief editor of Bier Grand Cru. My first book, The Belgian Beer Book, has been hailed as the perfect guide to Belgian beer and beer culture. I am a regular speaker at food and beer festivals all over the world. I am also the co-founder and director of the Brussels Beer Challenge, a prestigious international beer competition.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
Judging at the World Beer Cup is a chance to be part of a global celebration of beer, contribute to the industry’s growth and quality, and gain personal and professional enrichment through the experience. It holds a special place in my heart.

Phil Joyce
Colorado, United States
How did you get into the beer industry? Why does beer matter to you?
I got into beer as a homebrewer and a founding member of the Avery Brewing Company’s “Homebrewers and Bottle Collectors Support Group,” as well as the homebrew club Hop Barley and the Alers in Boulder, Colo. After homebrewing for a few years, I was the founding head brewer of Powder Keg, which was my first opportunity to make brewing my career.
Beer matters to me because of the community of people that it brings together. I have always found a group of people that have supported me, and provided me with opportunities to express myself technically and artistically. The beer industry has provided me with lifelong friends and an opportunity to learn from a diverse group of people.
Why do you judge at the World Beer Cup? What does judging at the World Beer Cup mean to you?
I judge because I want to continuously learn and expand my palate and give back to the community that has given me so much. It’s wonderful to network and meet other beer professionals and support the Brewers Association through judging every year. This past year I had the opportunity to judge with a number of international judges and their shared insights provided incredible education outside the style guidelines and brought unmatched validity to the competition that I haven’t experienced elsewhere.