Marketing Your Win
Award-winning brewing companies are encouraged to use their World Beer Cup awards in public relations and advertising campaigns (including those on the Internet). Each award-winning brewing company planning to make any reference to the World Beer Cup in any promotion will be required to sign a licensing agreement with the World Beer Cup, which was part of the registration mailing.
To preserve the integrity of the World Beer Cup and the credibility of its results for all those concerned, reference to World Beer Cup awards are governed by rules. Be sure and review the Post-Event Publicity Rules and Use of the World Beer Cup Logo below.
Always include the category, award type (gold, silver or bronze), name of the beer, and year the award was won.
Always include the ® when using World Beer Cup®. It is a registered trademark of the Brewers Association.
Logos & Links
Download the World Beer Cup Logo
We encourage you to promote your award-winning beer in your public relations and marketing campaigns. All winning breweries have customized award art available here for download to use in marketing and promotional materials.

See “Use of World Beer Cup Logos” policies on this page to review the usage requirements. *If you’re unable to open an .eps file download this free software.
Logo Use
Ordering Duplicate Awards
Are you interested in ordering additional awards from a previous World Beer Cup win? Breweries that won previous awards can purchase either duplicate awards of the original or plaques of the award.
What’s the difference?
The duplicate award is a replica of the award that was given to the brewery. The award plaque is made from acrylic, paper and other materials, and has the award image and information mounted on wood.
Customizable Press Release
A great way to promote your World Beer Cup award win is by issuing a press release to the media. For a sample press release that you can personalize for your brewery, use our Winners Customizable Press Release (MS Word file).
Winners Customizable Press Release
Winners Photos
2024: View and download photos
2023: View and download photos
2022: View and download photos
2020: No photos available
2018: View and download photos
2016: View and download photos