Sebastian Hohentanner

Sebastian Hohentanner

Tokyo, Giappone

Come è entrato nel settore della birra? Perché la birra è importante per lei?

I was born and raised in Munich, Germany, so good beer was always a given for me—available almost anytime, anywhere, especially in our beautiful beer gardens. However, while studying in Japan, I learned that this wasn’t the case everywhere. Searching for a good Bavarian-style hefeweizen in Japan started my journey into the world of craft beer. It led to a career in the Japanese beverage industry, supplying breweries with brewing equipment, ingredients, and education to create some of the best beers we have in Japan today. In my daily work, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to connect the brewing culture of my birthplace with the brewing culture of the place I choose to live. Nothing brings people together like beer!

Perché giudica alla World Beer Cup? Cosa significa per lei giudicare alla World Beer Cup?

The World Beer Cup is the most prestigious and well-established beer competition—a model for beer competitions worldwide. Therefore, it’s an honor and a privilege to judge at the World Beer Cup. Judging beers with industry veterans and colleagues from around the globe in such a well-organized, professional setting creates a unique opportunity to continuously learn about beer and sharpen sensory skills. I especially appreciate the discussions with fellow judges during and after the competition. Everyone’s openness to share knowledge and experience, help one another, and enjoy beer in a friendly and collegial atmosphere is amazing. I hope to participate in and contribute to the World Beer Cup for many years to come.